Saturday, September 4, 2010

Where are the Tourist???

Evening out at the Parade...well at least that is what they called it. It was actually a carnival at the Martin Luther King park. I had two options in getting there. One way was using public transportation which was quite a distance and the other was of course on a boat for a small charge that I took which went down the Amstel river and got us there in about :30 minutes. The boat staff was fun and friendly. During the boat ride the sun was setting as we approached the venue. The set up was like many carnivals that I've been to in the states with rides, shows, and of course food. What added to this experience were all the beer gardens. It was kinda of funny because in town you see things in both Dutch and in English but not here. In fact, I could not even figure out what the food was. I finally decided to go to a booth that had Turkish food which was really delicious.
There was no English spoken here so basically I had to point and make hand gestures to indicate my desires. It was a fun environment with lots of energy. Something I saw really made me I have not been to a carnival in years and perhaps we have stuff like this in America but I've never seen such a thing. There was a booth, actually a cage that people was lined up to get into that was sponsored by a local radio station. People would pay a fee to enter this cage and put on a set of headphones dancing to the music. I started laughing because seeing these people dancing without me hearing the music was hilarious. I guess this is a regular thing here because on the boat ride back the boat staff provided headphones and the party continued.

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