Monday, September 13, 2010

The Heineken Experience

I've been to the Heineken Brewery here in Amsterdam 3 times during my visits here. The first time in the 80's, again in the early 90's and on this trip. They recently made some major upgrades according to the literature. In my previous experiences here the tour was lead by someone who showed you around leading you to the Beer hall for all you can drink and finishing up in the souvenir shop.
I have to admit going in I had some judgements but as I allowed myself to take in each segment I found it to be quite interesting. Basically you go through a piece of the history and process at each station at your own pace. The first part was films and different information parts. The first real person in the tour seemed to be a bit boring explaining that process like from a script. Only could take so much so I moved on to the room where they have the big copper tanks. There was an interesting guy who explained to process before they add the yeast that creates the alcohol. You could even taste it at this stage. This guy was very funny cracking all kinds of jokes. He had been there a long time and he shared some of his insights that helped me to enjoy the rest of the tour.
It was cool to see the horses and then came to a part that was 4D, kinda like a ride of you becoming the beer. They let so many people in the room at a time I found it to be a fun addition with the different effects along with the educational process. I can't really describe the sensation it is something you have to feel for yourself. Afterwards we went to a bar where they taught us more about beer like a beer tasting with little glasses. They had some other experiential things I skipped on by because of the mass of people. I like the room where you watched the bottling and you can have your name put on a label in that process for 5 Euros. You end up at the bar for your 2 beers. A different feeling than when I came before because you did the tour with a group of people ending up in an old fashion type bar having beers with people you may have gotten familiar with during the hour tour.
The gift shop was quite large and well laid out. Of course I liked the old tour because of the personal touch and the all you can drink Heineken. This new high tech experience does have it perks with new layout which makes it easier for people to spend more time in some places and skip over other things. I think it is worth a visit for the first timers.

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